TIP 30: If You’re Not Laissez-Faire Capitalist, You’ve GOT TO BE Socialist! July 30, 2019

Really?  Only one or the other?  Just TWO choices, both extreme? Yup.  Extreme ideologues on either side agree; there’s no middle.  Just laissez-faire on one far-side and Karl Marx-style socialism on the other. To the contrary, at www.capitalismincrisis.org we spell out clearly how a vital middle is hiding in plain sight.  It’s a middle just […]

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Weekly Tip 04: Hold Economic Charlatans Accountable, September 18, 2018

On the anniversary of Lehman Brothers’ crash ten years ago this month, America must hold accountable those responsible for the greatest economic disaster of our lifetimes. Many charlatans remain unrepentant—and unpunished—for the profoundly costly economic malpractice they perpetrated: the Great Recession. These are folks who continue to claim that government must be sidelined from economic […]

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Weekly Tip 03: Support Steady State…not Deep State, September 6, 2018

An anonymous writer claiming senior White House status dropped a bomb in a New York Times op ed published September 5, 2018. A synopsis of some key points is below. The writer defends what he calls the work of the “steady state,” not the so-called “deep state.” The latter alleges public employees who thwart the electorate […]

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Module 19 : Assessing Trump’s Presidency

When last we followed our pugnacious-leaning zombie trio through the Great Salty City, Adam, Jeremy and Joan were touring the mind-expanding library designed by internationally acclaimed architect Moshe Safdie.  His is a unique building with two personas, as it were.  One side is logical and orderly…even as it projects cultural authoritarianism.  The other, curvilinear, creative…and […]

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