Really? Only one or the other? Just TWO choices, both extreme? Yup. Extreme ideologues on either side agree; there’s no middle. Just laissez-faire on one far-side and Karl Marx-style socialism on the other. To the contrary, at we spell out clearly how a vital middle is hiding in plain sight. It’s a middle just […]
Read MoreTip 24: Creeping Socialism: Who’s Got the “Creeps?” April 22, 2019
Now is the moment of the Creeps. Who are they? Where are they? Maybe you get the creeps just listening to their nonsense. If your politics are moderate to liberal, chances are that’s true. Creeps are the follow-on to the “Chicken Little” people who peaked during Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Remember their sloganeering? Did […]
Read MoreTip 23: Who’s Scared of Socialism? (April 8, 2018)
Who’s afraid? As Republican President Richard Nixon observed almost five decades ago, we’re all socialists now, essentially. See Tip 22. If you haven’t checked out a primo short on how socialism works, take a look at People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here’s Why. Indeed, U.S. socialism may also be called American corporate […]
Read MoreTip 22: Richard Nixon: “I am a Socialist.” March 28, 2019
Well, that’s not exactly what President Nixon said, but close. The quote was “I’m a Keynesian now.” Previously Nixon favored less government intervention in the economy. Now, if Nixon was around he would be branded by his own political party as socialist. He’d gone so far as to propose a guaranteed minimum income for all. During the Great […]
Read MoreTip 21: Socialism—Why are Conservatives so Afraid? March 18, 2019
Check out the short video (link below) describing life in socialist Denmark where people report happier lives (#2 worldwide) than the United States (#15 worldwide). Some American ultra-conservatives abhor socialism, even socialism so bland as when voters agree to tax themselves to educate someone else’s kids. So ask yourself: why do American conservatives run scared […]
Read MoreWeekly Tip 15: Why Pay Taxes to Educate Somebody Else’s Kid? December 14, 2018
Several years ago, at a workshop I encountered a retired teacher with an interesting “take” on self-interest. “Why pay taxes to educate somebody else’s kid?” she asked. I was speechless, almost. Now, her question frames a huge part of why Democrats prevailed in suburban midterm elections. It’s about the common good. It’s about making brighter […]
Read MoreWeekly Tip 14: Time to “Hammer” Socialism…Again? December 7, 2018
The ink is still drying on pundit assessments about the 2018 midterms. College-educated suburban women especially, are abandoning the Republican Party. To illustrate, Democrats now control all four House seats in California’s previously conservative Orange County. So one wonders. With monumental Republican losses in the suburbs, what comes next for the Party of Lincoln? Will […]
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