Capitalism's First Glitch - Capitalism In Crisis


My last post dug into the challenge of equilibrium in economics.  It’s an analytical lens, inherited from physical scientist Isaac Newton.  When an economist invokes equilibrium and then looks through that lens only, doing so may obscure other aspects of emerging problems in actual economies. Laissez-faire economists were unable to cope with Great Depression problems […]

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Economic Errors - Capitalism In Crisis


Where to start? Let’s start here. Macroeconomics is largely science but built upon huge metaphysical assumptions. One notable assumption is orderliness. We should ask then, what happens when some assumptions, orderliness included, no longer describe aptly, the way in which the contemporary economic world has come to work? Our focus initially is upon physical scientist […]

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TIP 30: If You’re Not Laissez-Faire Capitalist, You’ve GOT TO BE Socialist! July 30, 2019

Really?  Only one or the other?  Just TWO choices, both extreme? Yup.  Extreme ideologues on either side agree; there’s no middle.  Just laissez-faire on one far-side and Karl Marx-style socialism on the other. To the contrary, at we spell out clearly how a vital middle is hiding in plain sight.  It’s a middle just […]

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TIP 29: Will The Donald Get Four More Years? July 21, 2019

Four more years for President Trump?  It may happen.  But, how come? Well, his base loves him.  Republican politicians fear him.  Trump’s fans cheer when he sticks his finger in the collective eye of their perceived enemy: moderate and liberal America. Ironically, Trump’s agenda flies in the face of what we should be doing to […]

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Tip 23: Who’s Scared of Socialism? (April 8, 2018)

Who’s afraid? As Republican President Richard Nixon observed almost five decades ago, we’re all socialists now, essentially. See Tip 22.   If you haven’t checked out a primo short on how socialism works, take a look at People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here’s Why. Indeed, U.S. socialism may also be called American corporate […]

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Weekly Tip #17: Why Ultra-Conservatives and Many Seniors “Push” Fake News, January 13, 2019

America is stuck.  We’re tied down by partisan ideology.  Fake news is a huge part of America’s paralysis. A Princeton University study finds that ultra-conservatives and many senior citizens “push” fake news at alarming rates, compared with the general population. Only 1 person in 12 shared bogus information during the 2016 survey year including Donald […]

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Weekly Tip 15: Why Pay Taxes to Educate Somebody Else’s Kid? December 14, 2018

Several years ago, at a workshop I encountered a retired teacher with an interesting “take” on self-interest.  “Why pay taxes to educate somebody else’s kid?” she asked. I was speechless, almost.  Now, her question frames a huge part of why Democrats prevailed in suburban midterm elections.  It’s about the common good. It’s about making brighter […]

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Module 5 : Zombienomics 1.3

We revisit the Trump White House just as the clock is about to strike midnight, and doom.  First, zombie economists Robinson and Smith dig into the profound significance of “context.”

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