Look carefully at the expression on Francis Bacon’s face.  He was a consummate Type II. I remain spellbound by Bacon’s expression, placed there by Henry Weekes, his sculptor.  Weekes’ masterpiece is tucked away in the Trinity College Chapel at Cambridge University. What was the sculptor attempting in his depiction of Bacon?  Why does Bacon’s message […]

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Tip 20: Ultra-Conservatives: Is Science Just “Alternative Facts?” February 15, 2019

Is it possible for Americans to exit the debilitating culture wars? Yes, but the path toward healing runs through respect for one-another in public places such as the Internet.  These places, city council hearings and Congressional inquiries included, are how we “meet in the middle” to form public policy governing all citizens, regardless of belief. […]

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Tip #18: The Courage to Say “We Don’t Know” When We Don’t (Know), January 24, 2018

We’ve described how fake news-sharing is the way many people signal their partisan identities.  For them it is commonplace to claim they know, even when they don’t. For contemporary Americans, ultimately this comes down to public courage to say “I don’t know” in situations where one is merely a believer. Ultra-conservatives in a recent Princeton study […]

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Weekly Tip 13: Do we say We Know When We Don’t Know? November 30, 2018

I’m no fan of deceased opinion writer Charles Krauthammer.  Imagine my surprise then, at a Washington Post column written by his son.  According to Danial, the father was enlightened on a crucial point. Charles Krauthammer championed “real” and distinguished it from what it is not.  He drew a bright line between the known and the […]

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Weekly Tip 01: Get Real; Banish Fake News and False Realities! August 23, 2018

Respect others as one seeks to be respected, by sorting out differences between what is known, and what is merely believed.  When dealing with others…it ought to be acknowledged…“I don’t know”…when indeed, one does not “know” objectively, even scientifically.  How to do this?  Check out philosopher Karl Popper’s suggestion for getting started. Learn more at: Module […]

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