Weekly Tip 12: Gulliver Bound by Tribalism November 23, 2018

America is stuck.  We’re tied down by partisan ideology. Our situation is not unlike Gulliver.  We’ve become like the giant, fallen asleep and then awakened by mini-people dancing on our collective selves, making outrageous demands. The strings controlling Gulliver are not unlike the strings of tribal partisanship.  While the pragmatic majority slumbers, America’s forward path […]

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Module 1 : The Horse By The Door

  Doctrinaire capitalism is coming to crisis via increasing disconnects between pursuit of self-interest and realization of the common good.  Moral philosopher Adam Smith assumed no leakages out of productive capital, into nonproductive uses; assumed no short-term oriented schemes in which plow horses are turned into hobby horses, figuratively, with pseudo-capitalists taking the money, then running.

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