Capitalism's First Glitch - Capitalism In Crisis


My last post dug into the challenge of equilibrium in economics.  It’s an analytical lens, inherited from physical scientist Isaac Newton.  When an economist invokes equilibrium and then looks through that lens only, doing so may obscure other aspects of emerging problems in actual economies. Laissez-faire economists were unable to cope with Great Depression problems […]

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Tip 36: Death and Despair: Where’s America’s Hopefulness?

The Great Recession has also become the Great Divider, not unlike the Civil War.  Now as then, America’s new great divide splits along a fault line pitting big losers against big winners, politically and economically.  Such is the root cause of America’s cultural warfare.  Tragically, many who call themselves winners are what names as […]

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TIP 29: Will The Donald Get Four More Years? July 21, 2019

Four more years for President Trump?  It may happen.  But, how come? Well, his base loves him.  Republican politicians fear him.  Trump’s fans cheer when he sticks his finger in the collective eye of their perceived enemy: moderate and liberal America. Ironically, Trump’s agenda flies in the face of what we should be doing to […]

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TIP 28: America The “Pretty Good”, July 7, 2019

American Exceptionalism.  That’s the head-in-the-sand term used by Trump Republicans to justify Independence Day intransigence.  We’re an exceptional country they claim, because of their values; their stuff.  Because they say, America honors free markets and laissez-faire social policy. Granted, our nation has been exceptional in many important ways.  But where are we now?  Has their […]

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Tip 26: Capitalism is Failing, June 9, 2019

These words, from center-left Brookings scholar Richard Reeves.  Among experts, he’s far from alone regarding concern, even pessimism. Why so? Do you remember the Great American Dream?  It used to be the notion that each generation would live better than any generation that had gone before.  But it now appears to be in intensive care. […]

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Tip 23: Who’s Scared of Socialism? (April 8, 2018)

Who’s afraid? As Republican President Richard Nixon observed almost five decades ago, we’re all socialists now, essentially. See Tip 22.   If you haven’t checked out a primo short on how socialism works, take a look at People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here’s Why. Indeed, U.S. socialism may also be called American corporate […]

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Tip #19: Ultra-Conservatives: Stop Bullying Others Publicly With Your Private Beliefs, February 1, 2019

Our world is changing, making it crucial to “own” publicly when one doesn’t know objectively, but merely thinks they know, subjectively.  For contemporary Americans who post on the Internet, this comes down to public courage to say they “believe” but “don’t know” when one is a believer and not a knower. In the Trump era […]

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