Tip 23: Who’s Scared of Socialism? (April 8, 2018)

Who’s afraid? As Republican President Richard Nixon observed almost five decades ago, we’re all socialists now, essentially. See Tip 22.   If you haven’t checked out a primo short on how socialism works, take a look at People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here’s Why. Indeed, U.S. socialism may also be called American corporate […]

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Weekly Tip 13: Do we say We Know When We Don’t Know? November 30, 2018

I’m no fan of deceased opinion writer Charles Krauthammer.  Imagine my surprise then, at a Washington Post column written by his son.  According to Danial, the father was enlightened on a crucial point. Charles Krauthammer championed “real” and distinguished it from what it is not.  He drew a bright line between the known and the […]

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