Weekly Tip 08: The Gaming of America

Americans are being gamed.  We are gaming one another.  Hyper-partisanship will not stop, cannot be ended unless gaming ends. MBA’s are trained to game.  There are win-win games in which participants collaborate to expand payouts available to all players.  American politics has become something quite different from a game of win-win, however.  Our entrenched tribalism […]

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Module 29 : Make Capitalism Great Again

Our trio exits the film…Night of the Living Dead … mumbling something about food cravings…zombie-style.  Following a return ride on TRAX…they stake out another booth at Café Netherworld…then late-night snack on shakes…and fries smothered in proprietary sauce…from the crypt…..

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Module 28 : America’s Health Belly Flop

Following Professor Robinson’s presentation at Great Saltiness, our team debriefs at a nearby café…featuring zombie-burgers…ahead of a trip downtown…for a showing of George Romero’s classic film … “Night of the Living Dead.” As they huddle…and munch…in a booth…in back…Grandpa asks a probing question of the two zombie economists.  Is American capitalism living up to its […]

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Module 27 : Who Caused the Great Recession?

This episode begins with Adam Smith placing a call to fellow zombie economist Jeremy Bentham…now residing in Truthiness City.  Bentham…wary of liberals…had accepted part-time work at the university there…creating 18th Century rebuttals to liberal dogmas about what’s happenin’ now.  But…with demand waning for his own dogma…Bentham more recently downsized to a mundane job…complete with billboard […]

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Module 26 : Grandpa Loses His Beard

In our last episode…our zombie Grandpa exclaims…the rush-rush demands of modern society are running ahead of our abilities to keep up. Indeed…according to our newest zombie…the paradigms…narratives…even stories…used to explain how the world works…ought to be scrutinized…shaken down…at times…shaken up…even…to assure accuracy…to assure integrity with reality…with whatever may be the actual way our world has come […]

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Module 24 : Grandpa’s Ethics

On the horizon…our challenge is to reclaim…not just economic principles associated with Adam Smith…but the moral spirit associated with him…as well.  Actually…Smith’s economics looked quite different from what…typically…the public expects of economists…today.  He was a moral philosopher…whose principal ambition was to ask and answer questions about so-called “right action.”  What should individuals and families do?  […]

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