Weekly Tip 10: Let’s Stop Gaming America!

Donald Trump, gamer extraordinaire, uses fear, resentment, even hatred to stoke his political base.  Exaggerations and lies are prolific.  In the seven weeks before midterm elections, Trump made 30 false or misleading claims per day, observes the Washington Post. Although unique, President Trump is far from alone.  Fraudulent political strategy mimics fraudulent business strategy, well […]

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Weekly Tip 08: The Gaming of America

Americans are being gamed.  We are gaming one another.  Hyper-partisanship will not stop, cannot be ended unless gaming ends. MBA’s are trained to game.  There are win-win games in which participants collaborate to expand payouts available to all players.  American politics has become something quite different from a game of win-win, however.  Our entrenched tribalism […]

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Weekly Tip 06: Liberals – Message to the Left, Then Compromise Toward the Center, October 14, 2018

Opinion columnist Thomas Friedman laments a recent comment from a friend.  What’s going on in America today, observes the retired Marine colonel, is far more grave than any external threat, including the Soviet Union.  And this, says the friend, is because the threat we face is here and now, right at home, and coming from […]

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Weekly Tip 04: Hold Economic Charlatans Accountable, September 18, 2018

On the anniversary of Lehman Brothers’ crash ten years ago this month, America must hold accountable those responsible for the greatest economic disaster of our lifetimes. Many charlatans remain unrepentant—and unpunished—for the profoundly costly economic malpractice they perpetrated: the Great Recession. These are folks who continue to claim that government must be sidelined from economic […]

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Weekly Tip 03: Support Steady State…not Deep State, September 6, 2018

An anonymous writer claiming senior White House status dropped a bomb in a New York Times op ed published September 5, 2018. A synopsis of some key points is below. The writer defends what he calls the work of the “steady state,” not the so-called “deep state.” The latter alleges public employees who thwart the electorate […]

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Weekly Tip 02: Pay Attention to Technology, Globalization and “I’ve Got to Have it Now, September 1, 2018

According to New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman these three “climate changes” aren’t really about the weather.  Instead, they describe enormous societal “earthquakes” now changing the very nature of work: technology, globalization and “tomorrow won’t do, I’ve got to have it now.” Learn more at: Why Are So Many Political Parties Blowing Up? – […]

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