Module 29 : Make Capitalism Great Again

Our trio exits the film…Night of the Living Dead … mumbling something about food cravings…zombie-style.  Following a return ride on TRAX…they stake out another booth at Café Netherworld…then late-night snack on shakes…and fries smothered in proprietary sauce…from the crypt…..

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Module 18 : Summing Up: At the Public Library in the Great Salt City

We rejoin our unpredictable zombies…Adam, Joan and Jeremy…as they make their ways from a mash-up-type yule celebration in the Great Salty City.  Tragically, however, Bentham punched Smith, allegedly over ideological differences…in front of the crèche overlooking Temple Square.  Now, Robinson assumes the role of peacemaker with her male colleagues…..

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