Look carefully at the expression on Francis Bacon’s face.  He was a consummate Type II. I remain spellbound by Bacon’s expression, placed there by Henry Weekes, his sculptor.  Weekes’ masterpiece is tucked away in the Trinity College Chapel at Cambridge University. What was the sculptor attempting in his depiction of Bacon?  Why does Bacon’s message […]

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TIP 30: If You’re Not Laissez-Faire Capitalist, You’ve GOT TO BE Socialist! July 30, 2019

Really?  Only one or the other?  Just TWO choices, both extreme? Yup.  Extreme ideologues on either side agree; there’s no middle.  Just laissez-faire on one far-side and Karl Marx-style socialism on the other. To the contrary, at we spell out clearly how a vital middle is hiding in plain sight.  It’s a middle just […]

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TIP 29: Will The Donald Get Four More Years? July 21, 2019

Four more years for President Trump?  It may happen.  But, how come? Well, his base loves him.  Republican politicians fear him.  Trump’s fans cheer when he sticks his finger in the collective eye of their perceived enemy: moderate and liberal America. Ironically, Trump’s agenda flies in the face of what we should be doing to […]

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Tip 20: Ultra-Conservatives: Is Science Just “Alternative Facts?” February 15, 2019

Is it possible for Americans to exit the debilitating culture wars? Yes, but the path toward healing runs through respect for one-another in public places such as the Internet.  These places, city council hearings and Congressional inquiries included, are how we “meet in the middle” to form public policy governing all citizens, regardless of belief. […]

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Module 24 : Grandpa’s Ethics

On the horizon…our challenge is to reclaim…not just economic principles associated with Adam Smith…but the moral spirit associated with him…as well.  Actually…Smith’s economics looked quite different from what…typically…the public expects of economists…today.  He was a moral philosopher…whose principal ambition was to ask and answer questions about so-called “right action.”  What should individuals and families do?  […]

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Module 22 : Short Terming With Jeremy and Donald

Adam…next addresses his zombie colleagues…Jeremy and Joan…as the three-some winds up its visit to the thought-provoking public library in the Great Salty City.  However, little could Smith know…during the break…Robinson…on the spot…excoriated a roomful of liberal political operatives…..

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Module 7 : Zombienomics 1.5

As the last episode was concluding, Adam Smith was flipping his wig…after being thrown out of the Trump White House…then sucked out of his Audi…through the moon roof. What else could go wrong?

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Module 1 : The Horse By The Door

  Doctrinaire capitalism is coming to crisis via increasing disconnects between pursuit of self-interest and realization of the common good.  Moral philosopher Adam Smith assumed no leakages out of productive capital, into nonproductive uses; assumed no short-term oriented schemes in which plow horses are turned into hobby horses, figuratively, with pseudo-capitalists taking the money, then running.

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